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Here we answer some of the frequently asked questions about software and web application development services.


Agile software and web application development is a combination of iterative and incremental process models with a focus on process adaptability and customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of a working software product. Agile methods break the product into small incremental builds. These builds are provided in fortnightly iterations.

Waterfall is a structured software development methodology and is often quite rigid because all the planning takes place prior to a project commencing. Waterfall does not embrace the fact that requirements and priorities may change throughout a project, whereas the Agile methodology is known for its flexibility and achieving the most value in the shortest amount of time.

There are numerous advantages to outsourcing software development, the most obvious being you can switch us “on” and “off” as needed to match your project requirements. Also, by outsourcing to an established and trusted software house, you gain access to our talented team. At WebTech, we have everything needed for quality end-to-end software development.

Building bespoke software allows you to create software that matches your exact requirements, providing complete business process optimization. This is opposed to trying to “make something fit,” which is common with off-the-shelf solutions. Most importantly, when WebTech builds your software, you own the code (or IP / Intellectual Property). This is important because it becomes an asset to your business and holds its value. It’s like the difference between buying and renting a property.

The first part of the project is called Sprint 0. This is where we fully plan out the system to thoroughly prepare the team for the project and align your team and WebTech’s team on the requirements. We will work with your key stakeholders to create a “Wireframe” of the entire system—designed to the requirements of today rather than how the current system looks and feels (if one exists). We will also create User Stories to specify each functional and non-functional requirement in detail. The system will be built using the “Agile” methodology, meaning that every 2 weeks, you will be given a full demonstration of work completed to date, an updated Budget/Burn Down, and a meeting to plan the tasks for the next sprint. Eventually, the software will be ready to “go live,” and we’ll make that happen, setting up the application on a production hosting environment. We’ll then support you for the long term.

The minimum projects WebTech engages with start at around £15,000+VAT. However, it is difficult to give a good answer to this question without full details of the requirements, as the “devil’s in the detail.” Here are a few examples (all exclude VAT):
  • A basic web-based database of information, with approximately 10 data screens, a secure login, testing, and deployment could cost between £15K and £30K depending on the complexity.
  • An operational system automating various aspects of an organization’s end-to-end processes, including (for example) job management, invoicing, and reporting, could cost between £80K and £250K.
  • A mobile app MVP for helping people find people, companies, or services (e.g., in the style of AirBnB or a people-matching platform) would cost between £100K and £200K. This includes the cross-platform mobile app, a web-based platform for service providers or people to log in and set up their profile and services, and a back-office web application for the application owner to manage all aspects of the system. Note this is a sensible budget for an MVP—a baseline product that “works” and starts to drive adoption or revenue. Something as detailed as AirBnB, Uber, or Booking.com will have had multiple millions of pounds/dollars of investment over several years, by way of comparison!
  • A SaaS platform MVP, such as an analytics platform or hotel management system, to be sold to clients, would cost upwards of £150K.
  • A Digital Transformation project for a large company or government department could cost upwards of £0.5M.