The minimum projects WebTech engages with start at around £15,000+VAT. However, it is difficult to give a good answer to this question without full details of the requirements, as the “devil’s in the detail.” Here are a few examples (all exclude VAT):
- A basic web-based database of information, with approximately 10 data screens, a secure login, testing, and deployment could cost between £15K and £30K depending on the complexity.
- An operational system automating various aspects of an organization’s end-to-end processes, including (for example) job management, invoicing, and reporting, could cost between £80K and £250K.
- A mobile app MVP for helping people find people, companies, or services (e.g., in the style of AirBnB or a people-matching platform) would cost between £100K and £200K. This includes the cross-platform mobile app, a web-based platform for service providers or people to log in and set up their profile and services, and a back-office web application for the application owner to manage all aspects of the system. Note this is a sensible budget for an MVP—a baseline product that “works” and starts to drive adoption or revenue. Something as detailed as AirBnB, Uber, or will have had multiple millions of pounds/dollars of investment over several years, by way of comparison!
- A SaaS platform MVP, such as an analytics platform or hotel management system, to be sold to clients, would cost upwards of £150K.
- A Digital Transformation project for a large company or government department could cost upwards of £0.5M.