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Community Forums Reinvented

Create an online community that your customers will love. Tribe’s forum software is used by top brands to engage customers, drive loyalty and reduce support costs.

TRIBE is the next-generation community-building service and App specially designed for the 'membership organisations'.

It will supercharge your organisation by:

  • Increasing member engagement
  • Increasing member acquisition
  • Increasing member retention
  • Increasing member revenue
  • Grow membership satisfaction

TRIBE can supercharge your membership organisation.

  • 1- Your own brand App that your customers can download and use TRIBE allows you to get your brand App published in Apple App Store and Google Play. All your subscribers will be suggested to download and use your App on their mobile phones through the TRIBE portal.
  • 2- TRIBE guarantees you to push messages to 100% of subscribers Your brand Apps allows highly personalised, custom-curated native messages to your members. As a result, membership organisations gain a high-visibility channel that monetises every single view, reaching virtually 100% of subscribers. Such direct communication is not possible with other means, such as social groups.
  • 3- Your organisation can become THE Job aggregator for your industry TRIBE allows you to create a free searchable job portal for your community. Our SEO optimised forum will let you be at the centre of jobs in your industry. Everyone looking to build a career or find good workers will be able to come to your website and see what they need. This can supercharge the customer engagement of your organisation.
  • 4- Creating a forum will bring more traffic to your website Should you decide to create a TRIBE forum on your membership site, your site SEO will be improved, and organic searches on Google are increased by up to 8X. In addition, people come to your site to be involved in the forum, which means your site will be seen more often. Groups on Facebook may elicit interest, but if people come to a forum on your site, it guarantees they will visit your site. And getting more people to go to your site is always an excellent way to sell your product.
  • 5- TRIBE Forums are more organised Because TRIBE forums are incredibly organised, you can get exactly what you want out of a forum, enabling forums to be beneficial in a way Social groups can't be. Your forums can be organised around various topics and questions, which is excellent. Creating your own platform with TRIBE lets you reach people who've come to you because they care about the subject and are interested in broadening their horizons.
  • 6- TRIBE forums can be monetised If your forum does well, you can make money off the forum alone by selling ad space or making sections of the platform more exclusive by putting promotional posts for a fee. This allows the work you put into creating and running a forum to go beyond being a way to advertise to be a way to make a profit.
  • 7- Integrated with your existing website/Apps TRIBE can be integrated with your existing Apps and website. It uses the latest technology stack to create customer forums for your organisations. In addition, we use AWS cloud to host your content which makes everything super fast and snappy. Suppose you envisage hosting TRIBE App under your data controller. We are happy to set it up in AWS for you -Free of charge- so you keep complete ownership of your data as you desire.

Tribe Highlighted Features

  • There are highlighted features of TRIBE:
  • Support modern browser and cross-browser compatibility
  • Strong and powerful admin interface
  • A clean and modern user interface
  • Unlimited Topics, Vote, Share and Counter
  • Functionality is Simple and all Dynamic Features
  • Easy Documentation
  • Regular updates facilities
  • Premium and quick support

Tribe User Dashboard Features

  • There are user dashboard features of TRIBE:
  • Create Unlimited Topics
  • Profile Management
  • Forum based User Profile
  • User's posts & activities details
  • Community Engagement and discussions
  • Reports and analytics


£60 / mo

  • Everything you need to get a small community started.

  • iOS Mobile Application
  • Android Mobile Application
  • 100 users
  • 400K monthly page views
  • 50GB data storage
  • Lifetime support
  • Complete TRIBE suite
  • Unlimited members and staff
  • Fully managed service
  • Your choice of data center location
  • Add-ons and API
  • Backups daily
  • DDoS protection
  • SSL security
  • Your choice of URL
Get Started Now
£100 / mo

  • Our standard plan, suitable for medium sites with room to grow.

  • iOS Mobile Application
  • Android Mobile Application
  • 1000 users
  • 1M monthly page views
  • 100GB data storage
  • Lifetime support
  • Complete TRIBE suite
  • Unlimited members and staff
  • Fully managed service
  • Your choice of data center location
  • Add-ons and API
  • Backups daily
  • DDoS protection
  • SSL security
  • Your choice of URL
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£250 / mo

  • Larger sites will benefit from the allowances and support offerings of our business plan.

  • iOS Mobile Application
  • Android Mobile Application
  • 10,000 users
  • 4M monthly page views
  • 240GB data storage
  • Lifetime priority support
  • Complete TRIBE suite
  • Unlimited members and staff
  • Fully managed service
  • Your choice of data center location
  • Add-ons and API
  • Backups daily
  • DDoS protection
  • SSL security
  • Your choice of URL
Get Started Now